Start With… WHY?
Ask These Questions to Develop an Effective Swag Strategy
When it comes to developing your marketing strategy, it is important to always start with “WHY?”. People do not buy what you do, they buy into why you do it. Starting with “why?” helps you attract people who share the same values as you. Figuring out the “Why?” will improve your approach to introducing swag into your marketing strategy. If you know why you are investing in it, what you are trying to achieve will be clearer. This end will lead to better ROI, get your brand into the right people’s hands, and create a more effective result.
Before introducing SWAG into your marketing strategy, here are a few key questions to ask yourself and your team to determine the “Why?”:
- Why am I doing it?
- What result do I hope to direct?
- How does swag fit into my marketing strategy?
- Who is my target audience?
- What products are useful to them?
- What products do I love?
Once you start with “why”, the rest of your analysis will become easier to define. Do you know your why? Start a project with American Advertising to get it done.